I would like to propose a plea be made to eliminate certain words and phrases from our Christian circles. There are various words and phrases, which do to my ears and brain what forks do to microwaves. You know the feeling!
So here begins an ongoing list I intend to keep of words and phrases I'd like to see eliminated from our terminology...please!
Whether it be the scriptures or the deep recesses of the human heart, we like to probe the depths of it all. Can we please stop probing the scriptures, and can we especially quit probing people. We are not sci-fi aliens from the 70's. We are not qualified medical doctors with the proper equipment to probe anyone. Do not probe this request any further. Let's just not...
Jesus ascended into heaven and left the Holy Spirit for a reason. Jesus is not looking to be grafted into materializing, and if he were, from where would be taking this excess skin to be put onto Jesus? I know what we're all thinking: probably from whichever donor most represents that painting of Jesus we most identify with? That white, flowing brown-haired, blue eyed Jesus? Probably?
Putting skin on Jesus is not only a failure to "hope for what is unseen" but it is a little creepy.
Can we stop birthing new small groups, ideas, visions, and leaders? Any parent who remembers the after-birth realize why we need to stop birthing things. Enough said!
In the age of heightened social-awareness, we need no longer touch people and sing of how he touched me. We should really stop trying to create events to touch people. That's all I think I need to say here, but I'm willing to probe it further if need be.
What words and phrases would you like to see removed from our Christian vocabulary?
LISTENING TO: "Time Without Consequence" by Alexi Murdoch
READING: "Own Your Faith" by Mark Tabb
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